Ubuntu iso for virtualbox download for intel processor
Ubuntu iso for virtualbox download for intel processor

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No support in Minikube, so I tried hyperkit: ❌ Exiting due to DRV_UNSUPPORTED_OS: The driver ‘kvm2’ is not supported on darwin/arm64 Rogiers-MBP:0to1 rogierdikkes$ minikube start –driver=kvm2 Since Rancher desktop is using Qemu on the M1 Pro, I surely could use it… Right? Since KVM uses Qemu I decided to give the kvm2 driver a try: Surely there are other drivers that I could use? Other drivers Using Docker as the driver without using docker-desktop is not an option at the moment, the only solution mentioned time and time again seems to be the docker-desktop on the M1 Pro. This quickly became a chicken or egg situation. ❌ Exiting due to DRV_UNSUPPORTED_OS: The driver ‘virtualbox’ is not supported on darwin/arm64Ī list of all the available supported drivers for Apple can be found here:ĭocker Desktop recently changed its policy to a paid plan for certain users, this gave me a new challenge:Ĭan I run Docker without docker-desktop on the new M1?Īll the solutions online gave the Intel processor solution: Install minikube. ✨ Automatically selected the virtualbox driver As I mentioned above, VirtualBox isn’t supported on the M1 and likely never will.

ubuntu iso for virtualbox download for intel processor

The brew install was easy, but starting minikube gave an error that Virtualbox was not found, this is the default driver that is used by minikube. I wanted to see if Minikube on the M1 could be easily set up. Looking back I should have just used Rancher Desktop to run an etcd cluster locally, but I remembered Minikube had etcd installed automatically. Rancher Desktop was working fine, but I needed an etcd node integrated with Kubernetes for a little programming project I have going on. Knowing that the processor architecture changed from Intel (x86) to ARM (M1), after a year things should certainly have been ironed out… right?Īfter checking I found out that some tools didn’t work, like VirtualBox but there are often others that do work without issues.Īfter installing Rancher desktop on the m1 I ran into an issue that /usr/local/bin was not created and ownership was not set to my user, this was easy to resolve by the solution below. The new Macbook M1 Pro had raving reviews, super performance, and long battery life. To get up and running quickly I decided to stick with technology that I knew before, hardware I have used for the past 8 years without breaking down has been Apple MacBook Pro’s. This year I started my own company: 0to1.

Ubuntu iso for virtualbox download for intel processor